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Acleaneruk Acleaneruk Acleaneruk Acleaneruk Acleaneruk Acleaneruk


Who are you?

We are a privately owned company who have been providing cleaning services in London since 1999 so we know exactly what we are doing!  We pride ourselves on providing a professional cleaning service at all times.

Who are your cleaners?

All of our cleaners are self-employed contractors who have undergone a thorough interview, referencing and checking process. We also ask all cleaners to go through a formal vetting process through Onfido a third party security system. The formal checks Onfido provide cover an Identity check, right to work (if applicable) and a basic criminal record check. We aim to provide local trusted cleaners who not only suit you but take pride in providing a quality service and building a relationship with you.

Do cleaners bring their own supplies?

No they don't, most cleaners travel by public transport so it's just not practical unfortunately.  Plus in our experience many clients prefer to use their own equipment and supplies, your cleaner will recommend any products they like to use or which may be specific to your home.

A good starting point is:

  • A vacuum cleaner
  • A mop and bucket with a wringer
  • Gloves
  • General cleaning cloths for wet cleaning
  • Micro fibre cloths for dry cleaning
  • Scratch-free sponges
  • A multipurpose cleaning spray
  • Bathroom cleaner
  • Kitchen cleaner
  • Window cleaner
  • A floor cleaner
  • General purpose polish and dusters
  • A lime scale remover (Viakal is recommended for London water!)

This may seem like quite a list but proper equipment and plenty of cloths will help your cleaner provide a quality clean for you.  We all know how hard it is to do a good job without the right equipment.

What services does A Cleaner provide?

In each room we will do a general tidy, empty bins, thoroughly hoover all floors and mop where necessary. We dust fixtures and fittings, wipe skirtings, windowsills, ledges, doors, light switches and remove cobwebs. Where possible we pull out and clean under or behind furniture.

In the following rooms we do all the above plus:

In the bathrooms we thoroughly clean all fitments remove lime-scale and wipe tiled areas leaving toilets bleached.  Clean cabinet exteriors and mirrors. 

In the kitchen we clean all surfaces including cupboard fronts and splash backs, wipe all appliances clean the microwave interior and exterior. Clean and bleach the sink area, clean the hob empty and refill the dishwasher and do any washing up.

In the bedrooms we change sheets where instructed.

Ironing can be carried at as part of your regular clean. Please mention this on your initial call.

Depending on the time allocated tasks may be rotated.

Can I make one off extra requests?

Absolutely!  If you would like to add extra one off requests like ironing, oven or fridge cleaning just ask your cleaner if they can fit this in, they will let us know that this has been carried out and we will add it on to your payment.

Is there anything the cleaner can't do?

Unfortunately there are some things the cleaners can't do for health and safety or insurance reasons.

These are;

  • Lift and move furniture or any heavy items
  • Vacuum and dust areas outside of normal reach (requiring a ladder)
  • Clean any windows inside or out
  • Clean human or pet messes or heavily soiled areas
  • Carry out any deep stain removal
  • Clean any outside areas such as paths, patios, bins or garages
  • Clean mould or any biohazardous material
  • Clean where there is infestation.  (I know! but this has happened with cockroaches)
  • Take in any deliveries or shopping as we don't think it's safe for them or for you to be opening the door to anyone whilst cleaning your home!
  • Carpet cleaning
  • Laundry - through experience we have found its better for you to arrange this yourself.  We have found there are too many potential problems with complex machine programmes and clothes labelling (who really understands them all!) plus we really aren't happy leaving your home with any appliances left running and what would an insurer say!! If you would like a cleaner to do any laundry or run the washing machine this will be entirely at your own risk
Will I have the same cleaner each time?

Definitely, if you book in a regular clean we aim to send the same cleaner who can come to you on a regular basis.  As we assign a local cleaner you will usually have the same cleaner every time unless your cleaner changes their area or leaves the company.   If your cleaner leaves then we will find you a new lovely Acleaneruk

We can send a replacement cleaner to you if your cleaner is away on holiday, however we cannot guarantee cover for last minute absence. If your cleaner will be unavailable for an assigned visit they will let you know and ask if you would like a replacement arranged. If you would like a replacement cleaner arranged we will arrange this for you however access to your home will need to be arranged by you.

Access to my home

For the first clean we recommend your present at the property so you can say hello, show them around and give them any instructions. From them on you can either be at home or you can organise for your cleaner to clean your home whilst you're out. If you're going to be out, you can give your cleaner spare keys, direct them to the concierge or send them to a key safe. This arrangement is between you and the cleaner as Acleaneruk is not responsible for the exchange and return of the keys.

If you have booked a one off clean then you will need to be there at the start to give them access to the property, you can then ask them to close the door behind them or lock up and post the keys back through the door.

How do I book?

On the homepage enter in your postcode and follow the simple online booking process which only takes a minute.  Once you've selected the size of your property the booking summary recommends the basic number of hours, you can then select any extras for a precise quote. Once you have specified the frequency of the clean, when you would like your first clean and information regarding access you can then enter your personal details and payment details. That's it your done! 

Once we receive your booking we will check we have everything we need to match you with one of our cleaners. If you book in a regular visit we always like to have a quick chat (if possible) before the first clean to make sure everything is in order plus it's quite nice to have human contact!

Please note If you book a regular clean your booking will normally be at the same time and day of each week or fortnight.

If it's just a one-off visit you're after, you can book this fully online via our booking form

How long should I book for?

For a standard home in 'normal' condition see the guide below. Please note this is general cleaning time required to reach a good standard and would not include any washing up, emptying the dishwasher, changing any beds or doing any ironing. All of these tasks would require additional time.

Please note our minimum booking is for 2 hours.











































Important NAG!

We expect the cleaners to carry out a 'normal' domestic clean. If you leave 2 hours of washing up or they have to spend 1 hour tidying up before they can find the floor to hoover then this will affect how much they manage to achieve and the general quality of the clean.  If you would like them to get on with the cleaning it's a good idea to allow them to focus on it, if at all possible a quick tidy up before your cleaner comes is very helpful! Sorry we are nagging already but years of experience means we know our stuff and we would rather be straight in the beginning to ensure customers are happy with the service!

How much will it cost?

We simply charge £19 per hour flat rate for cleaning, ironing or any extras. Simple, easy to calculate with no hidden extras.

How do I pay?

It's super easy and streamlined as payment is taken immediately after each clean by debit or credit card from the card details you have provided on the booking form. This means no more late night trips to the cashpoint or worrying about leaving cash for the cleaner.

Payment is debited at the time of booking for one off cleans.

Is the payment secure?

Payment is made through Stripe using industry leading 256-bit SSL encryption. Our security practices are monitored and verified. If you would like to check out Stripe please go to

Are the cleaners insured?

In the unlikely event there has been a breakage or there is damage due to your cleaner you need to;

1 First talk to your cleaner. Discuss the issue with your cleaner and attempt to come to a resolution. Your cleaner is a self-employed contractor and may have their own insurance to cover such incidents (please note we don't track this).

2. We advise clients to maintain house insurance at all times. If you are not able to come to an appropriate resolution with your cleaner you should then look to your house insurance to claim for damages.

3 A cleaner insurance has public liability insurance for extreme cases such as fire or injury and certain accidental damage. However this will only apply when the customer has attempted the first two resolution paths unsuccessfully. We will assist in processing your claim but cannot guarantee it will be successful as it is ultimately determined by the insurance company. Please note this only applies to claims over the policy excess of £250 which is payable by the customer.

Please note that your cleaner would not cover the cost of general wear and tear caused by normal cleaning.

For full details please see our terms and conditions

Can I cancel or amend a booking?

That won't be a problem. Just call or email us at least 48 hours before your visit and you can make any change, including cancellation, without incurring any cost.

If you cancel last minute or the cleaner cannot access your home then there will be a £15 charge to cover the cleaners travel time and costs.

I am not happy


If you're not happy then neither are we. We have high standards and always aim to provide a quality service. Depending on the issue the first port of call should be with your cleaner. We encourage as much communication between the cleaners and their customers as possible, often having a simple chat about an issue can often lead to a resolution.

If you are not happy with something that has been done or not done we suggest allowing the cleaner to rectify this first either by returning or on the next visit. Cleaners are professionals but human and we all make mistakes occasionally.

My cleaner is late!

Occasionally cleaners can be late as they travel by public transport and we all know what that's like, in this case unfortunately we can't compensate you for your work or personal time spent waiting. Please allow at least 30 minutes for your cleaner to show up or contact them to find out exactly when they will arrive. If your cleaner is consistently late have a chat with them and let them know this is inconvenient as not all customers expect them to be so prompt.

My cleaner didn't show up!

If on the rare occasion your cleaner has not shown up to carry out the clean and you have not had any communication with them regarding what happened or an opportunity to reschedule. Hopefully this is a one off extreme situation as we always make sure our cleaners know how vital it is to maintain a reliable service. We don't expect you to experience uncertainty with your cleaning service and we apologize for this lapse in service.

My cleaner ran out of time!

If this is the first clean then unfortunately it's a very common issue as the cleaner can be a little slower for the first few sessions until they get to know your home, plus (lets be frank) there is usually a little more to do. In this situation speak to your cleaner to discuss whether they require more time on a regular basis once they have settled in, however if budget doesn't allow then a discussion on which tasks you are happy for them to rotate may be the solution. If you would like your cleaner to stay longer on a permanent basis then then we can extend the booking.

My cleaner left early!

This can sometimes happen as the cleaner becomes more efficient in completing their regular cleaning tasks. The best way to guarantee this doesn't happen is to make sure you leave an extras list or weekly note with a suggestion for your cleaner. The list can be things that could be done if time or if they finish early.

If after speaking to the cleaner regarding any issue which has not been successfully resolved then please get in touch using the contact form.